Sunday, November 15, 2020

Smacksy Sunday Links

Minimalist tips to maximize the holidays. 

Alex Trebek made Jeopardy a sane place in a mad world.

How your brain tricks you into taking risks during the pandemic.

Get cozy with 25 books about home.

Could Stacey Abrams be any cooler?

Try these simple things.

Easy weekday habits that let you be lazy on the weekends.

French things i wish existed in the US.

Which of these time traps is eating up all of your time?

Don't be weird about cast iron.

The Juliet Club.

And a flock of starlings. 

Happy Sunday.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Smacksy Sunday Links

Stacey Abrams is changing the tide in Georgia.

Destress, calm down, and feel less lonely right now.

Stress cleaning.

How to be at home.

Little traditions to do each week to make quarantine more special.

These acupressure points can help instantly diffuse overwhelm.

Reminders from your mom if you're having a bad day.

Who wants to live in this old cafe in Paris?

And dogs are returning to the White House.

Happy Sunday.