Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Jedi Camp

Today, Bob and two of his friends started "Jedi Camp," a five day, three-hour morning program offered through our town's parks and rec department. Jedi Camp convened at 9:00am in the main room in the building next to the baseball field. A dozen small-ish Jedi-wannabes (technically, Padawans) stood in a row to meet their master, a baby-faced young man in robes who introduced himself as Obi Wan Kenobi.

Obi Wan formally greeted the group by shaking hands with each of his young students and quickly learning their names. He committed to a faux-British accent for the duration of the class, God love him.

According to Bob, the class went by too fast.

"Mom? I love Jedi Camp!"

"That's great, Babe. What did you do there ?"

"There was a coloring part and an outside games part and an inside light saber part and a snacks part. It was super-cool."

"That sounds amazing. What was your favorite part?"

"Meeting the real Obi Wan Kenobi. He's a Jedi master, Mom."

"That he is."


  1. Oh my god. I am completely surprised that Bob Rosenberg did not fall over in a faint.

  2. Oh, can you imagine what his thoughts were like?????

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wondeful! How awesome that one of these exists near you!
    And for Bob, this must be better than Willy Wonka's factory. Wow. Kid dream come true. :)

  5. I'm with Alex. What's the age cut off for Jedi Camp?

    Also? This gets you Coolest Mom Ever points.

  6. I agree with Consciously Frugal. You are the coolest Mom EVER!!!!
