Friday, January 4, 2019

Yo Soy Crazypants

I may have titled yesterday's (Thursday's) post "Friday" because I didn't really know what day it was, but in other ways, I'm still (overly) on it.

Perhaps you've witnessed a photo like the one above of the inside of my glorious, alphabetized, spice cabinet before. (Lucky!) You have an idea of what I'm made of. Last week was a reminder of what happens when I'm in an Airbnb and left to my own devices. Yes. I will organize your kitchen situation.

Exhibit A: Airbnb Lihue Kaua'i, Hawaii. Drawers organized, refrigerator shelves re-positioned for optimal grocery storage.

Exhibit B: Airbnb Lisbon, Portugal. Upper and lower cabinets organized, drawers reorganized, expired spices thrown away.

Exhibit C: Airbnb Vancouver BC, Canada. Drawers organized.

Exhibit D: Airbnb Lake Arrowhead, California. Drawers organized, expired spices and condiments thrown away, upper and lower cabinets organized, sink polished.

The sink polishing move was purely extra credit on my part.


  1. I'm not domestically inclined, perhaps I need to open up Villa Boheme' as an Airbnb and invite a Guest such as yourself to organize everything?! Winks Happy New Year!
