Sunday, January 10, 2016

Smacksy Sunday Links

Being ready.

My favorite part of the New York Times is the Modern Love column. Here is one I loved from November. Here are the links to all of the essays in one place.

Saving the goodness for a rainy day. I love this idea.

How much is enough?

And a puppy taking a bath.

Happy Sunday.


  1. Hi Ted! I love your funny bent legs and turned out made my day :)

    Love the links, ...especially Being Ready. The message.... 'What you are, comes to you'

    sent shivers down my spine. Thank you <3

  2. Originally read "Enough" on the "LifeEdited" blog, which linked to the Granola Shotgun article. I like the coincidence of seeing it here, again. I enjoy these Sunday links.
