Nestled between parked cars, against the backdrop of 7-Eleven, AutoZone, and Manny's Tacos, sits the office of Psychic Mrs. Lin. Her office, located in the former home of a Fotomat. is a long time fixture in the town just south of ours and I've driven past it for years. I love the little white fence, and the satellite dish, but my favorite feature of Psychic Mrs. Lin's office is everything about Psychic Mrs. Lin's office.
Friday, January 19, 2018
The Psychic is In
Nestled between parked cars, against the backdrop of 7-Eleven, AutoZone, and Manny's Tacos, sits the office of Psychic Mrs. Lin. Her office, located in the former home of a Fotomat. is a long time fixture in the town just south of ours and I've driven past it for years. I love the little white fence, and the satellite dish, but my favorite feature of Psychic Mrs. Lin's office is everything about Psychic Mrs. Lin's office.
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I love her tiny 'open' sign. I wish she was in my town.
ReplyDeleteSuper good. Xo
DeleteHave you been to see her?
ReplyDeleteNot yet! xo