Sunday, January 9, 2011

Smacksy Sunday Links

This short documentary is about an extraordinary genius.

This is because you know I dig me some pictures of bookshelves.

I love them. (Better than the original.)

Happy Sunday.


  1. bookshelves.. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . bookshelves bring me great pleasure . . ..

  2. LOVED IT!!!! She is such a yummy!

  3. The bookshelf/face photo made me gasp. Very very cool!

  4. Spike the Hotness Monster made a cameo in the last booksherlf pic!

  5. That is what we call bookporn around these parts. And that freaking cute. One of my life's greatest regrets is that I can't whistle.

  6. Hey, why didn't the amazing sand art guy get any comment kisses? (Minus the Kiwi accent and plus twenty years, I swear I used to date that guy.) He was great, and that's a rave considering I was initially let down that the extraordinary genius didn't turn out to be Bob R.

    Dad and daughter were terrific too. Thanks for the most inspiring roundup, and the bookshelves were pretty nice too, esp. the Dublin Univ. library.

  7. That video is amazing. Made me smile and smile and smile again! LOVE it! Thanks for making me smile on this snowy Sunday! :)
