Friday, December 19, 2014

5th Annual 99 Cent Store Holiday Shopping Trip *Spoiler alert for immediate family

Once again, we made Bob's annual holiday shopping pilgrimage to The 99 Cent Store. Following is a list of the presents that were purchased along with their lucky recipients.

Mee Mee (My Mom) - Polka-dot Polo brand men's dress socks. "Because socks are nice."

Jeff - A holiday ornament in the shape of an ice skate. "Because it's sparkly and he grew up in that Michigan where there's snow."

Bajan (Jeff's Mom) - Small planter in the shape of a somewhat melancholy frog. "Because frogs are good."

Aunt Jen - Bright green dragonfly ornaments. "Because Aunt Jen likes dragonflies like her ankle tattoo and she really likes green."

Aunt Jill - Pink and purple mechanical pencils. "Because she probably writes things down at her job."

Me - Large, green sparkly Christmas ornament. This was to be a surprise but then I was asked to help wrap it. I will be surprised... enough. 

Pops - Blue striped beanie hat. "Because it probably gets cold up there where there's no hair anymore."

Aunt Dawn - Christmas mug. "Because I'm pretty sure she's Christian, not Jewish, and she probably drinks things."

And to all a good night.


  1. Ah, I remember trips to Grand Central -- taken with my friend's family, so I could really keep stuff a SECRET -- when I was 7 or 8. Big time stuff.
    Glad Bob enjoyed making all his choices. :)
