Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Neighborhood Cowboy

Bob and I went out for pancakes this morning at the coffee shop by our house.  One of the morning regulars we see around town is a guy we call Neighborhood Cowboy. Neighborhood Cowboy is an elderly Chinese gentleman who dresses in jeans, cowboy hat, and cowboy boots everyday. He is generally in a t-shirt with suspenders and completes his ensemble with a plastic 99 Cent Store logo bag filled with newspapers. 

As our food was brought to the table, we noticed Neighborhood Cowboy coming through the door. He took a seat at the far side of the counter next to the guys my mom might refer to as his "cronies."

Bob (whispers): "Mom, did you see what it said on Neighborhood Cowboy's shirt?"

Me: "No. What was it?"

Bob: "It's a cartoon Jack-o-Lantern pooping and it says, 'Where pumpkin pie really comes from.'"

Me: "That's awesome."

Bob: That's SO awesome."