Thursday, August 5, 2010

How to Earn the Nickname "Grandpa" at Four Years-Old

While eating cantaloupe remark that it is, "Such a lovely melon."

When at home, insist on wearing sweatpants instead of "regulars."

Pull the waistband of your at-home sweatpants up to your nipples.

When a passenger in a car, worry loudly from the backseat that, "we are lost and going too fast."

When you drop your light saber whisper under your breath, "For the love of Pete."

Shun unheated swimming pools, but enjoy some "relax time" in the hot tub.

Fall asleep during reruns of JAG.

Answer the phone by putting the call on speaker phone and shouting "Hello? Hello? Who is this?"

Grunt when getting in and out of the car.

When dining at Shaker's Coffee Shop, order "the usual."

Have your folks bless you with the name, Bob Rosenberg.


  1. Hilarious!!! Yeah, the name, Bob Rosenberg, did it to him. I love that he grunts when he gets in & out of the car. You should take him to an assisted living place for a field trip. He'll think it's great.

  2. Too funny! I'm with DG he is an old soul!

  3. That is too funny! Love it. No one I love Bob. Or Grandpa B as we like to call him. Um and by "we" I really just mean me.

  4. Hi. That should have been no WONDER I love Bob. Not "no one" because EVERYONE does.

    I'm going to stop commenting on your blog now. You're welcome.

  5. I am concerned. Much of these apply to me, thank Pete no one named me Bob!

  6. Yep. Old, wise soul. Whom I am coming to love.

  7. One of my favorite books:

    And then there's:

  8. Oh,yes, I can absolutely see it.

    How clever, Lisa.

  9. Sweat pants up to the nipples. When he asks for powder blue polyester slacks with a white belt and shoes, it's all over.

  10. He's a hoot. What's he going to be like when he's 5?

  11. He is a boy beyond his 80 some years ahead of his time.

  12. My 86yr old Gramma has been widowed 6 years now, and says she's ready to date again. Is Bob busy Saturday night? She needs a partner for pinochle.

    Tell him to bring a snack. No dairy.

  13. I think I'm in love with your son. You know in a completely normal, not stalking way.

    Somehow I think I'm getting blocked now, aren't I?

  14. Discover Spanx and never take the new girdle off.

    That's right, Grandpa.

    For Pete's sake.

    Every noun now starts with "the." It makes it bigger and more important. "I'm going to The Ralph's to pick up some more Ensure. Someone drank all of mine, for the love of Pete."

  15. He is so cute. And hilarious. I bet he keeps you guys in stitches all the time. My stepson does the same thing in the car, always telling his dad that he's going WAY to fast. haha

  16. oh my goodness, i am just about falling in love with your blog. your son is too cute.

  17. that is just too funny, what a character your son is. I AM IN LOVE WITH THE STICKERS ON YOUR CAR! may I ask where you got them. My hubby would LOVE then on his, HUGE star wars fan.

    Going to follow your blog, twitter and like facebook babe.

    1. I found the car stickers on Etsy. There are quite a few different kinds if you search Star Wars car decals!

  18. That is one of the cutest things I have ever read. :)

    Happy SITS Day!

  19. I love all the wonderful things that Bob does! What a great little man.

    Happy SITS Day!

  20. "For the love of Pete" is my absolute favorite, he sounds so adorable!!! Enjoy your SITS day!

  21. I have known some tiny grandpas in my years working with children :-) Happy SITS day, loved the post!

  22. "For the love of Pete." That made me spit out my coffee. What a funny little guy!

  23. So very funny. I was laughing out loud. (And I also love your car stickers.)

  24. Very cute. Have a great SITS day.

  25. Love it! And don't reruns of JAG put everyone to sleep? I mean....really?

    Happy SITS Day!

  26. I hope this kid wears a cardigan as soon as the temp dips below 74! This is adorable.

  27. We've got some high-pant wearers in our home, too. Maybe my 4 year old grandma should meet your "old" fellow. :) Enjoy your SITS day! :)

  28. hahahah this is GREAT!! My favorite (they're all gems) is the "for the love of Pete" swear. I laughed at my desk! :)

  29. Hadn't seen this one before so I'm glad it came up on SITS - love it. Can't wait to introduce him to my youngest, who sighed one night at a big family dinner when she was four, "There's nothing like a pie for dessert."

  30. "Fall asleep during reruns of JAG." What, not an NCIS fan? :)

  31. I guess he's just living up to his name, then! Happy SITS day!!

  32. I laughed so hard at this, especially the one about grunting when you get in and out of the car. It's so easy to picture. I think four is the funniest age.

  33. hahaha! My son is the exact same way. He especially loves pulling up his PJ pants to his nipples and walking around with this stomach sticking out. Beautiful. PS love your header and the Star Wars stickers!

  34. Oh this is EXACTLY my son! My husband and I joke all the time that he is really a 90-year-old grandma stuck in a 4-year-old boy's body. He loves his veggies, is sure to point out someone not following the rules, and uses vocabulary that is definitely not from this decade. Congrats on being featured on SITS!

  35. This is too funny! I think my husband does some these, lol. Grandpa? Or old soul? Too cute.

  36. Saying hi from SITs and LOL in the middle of the Whole Foods dining section while sitting by myself. My "old man" son at the ripe age of 3 was full of such grandpa speak. For example, while I tried to put together the new toy caddy for the bathtub frantically staring at the picture and the million parts, he watched and observed. After my first attempt, he calmly said: "Unfortunately, that's wrong." Who says unfortunately when they're 3? And the worst part - he was RIGHT!! It was wrong.

    Hope you are having a great day. I'll be back for some more laughs.

  37. Oh my gosh, too funny! Happy belated SITS Day!

  38. Haha! I can relate to some of those things with my kids too

  39. "For the love of Pete", TOTALLY old man style. He rocks. Happy Belated SITS Day!!

  40. That's great! I can so see him shaking his head and saying "For the love of Pete." Happy SITS day!

  41. Bahahaha!! Hilarious! Little old man in training:)
