Saturday, May 21, 2011

Smacksy Saturday Photo: The Stomp Rocket

Catching air over the stomp rocket. I wish you a whole day of this feeling.


  1. What a fabulously perfect picture!!!!
    And stomp-rocket - ha! The wordage makes me laugh--never heard of them :)

  2. Ryan use to love his Stomp-Rocket! Ah childhood!!

  3. Wow, that is a really great shot! I bet it was a tricky one to nab too! I need to look into nabbing a stomp rocket, I bet my kids would have a blast with it.

  4. You know, we've got to give one of those a go again. Last time Mooch tried, she didn't have the balance or strength to achieve lift-off, but I bet she could launch one now. Thanks for the inspiration once again, Bob.
