Monday, May 16, 2011

Two Years Later and You Guys

photo from here

Two years ago today I hit publish on this blog for the first time. It was terrifying. I have posted everyday since. Sometimes it's still a little scary but mostly it's fantastic. You guys, make it so.

I started Smacksy as a writing exercise. What I didn't know back then was that this blog world I was jumping into would offer so much more than a place to stack the words. I have made friends here. Through connecting on this site, I've had the privilege of meeting a number of you in person and there are so many others that I hope to some day. Also, I have some memory issues. I have memory holes you could drive a gypsy wagon through (horses and everything). The practice of noticing and writing down the happy bits from my life with my family makes all this stuff real for me. It's a place I can return to and see what happened and meet up with you guys. I like you guys.

Thanks for hanging out here.
Let's keep going.


  1. Thank YOU! Love, love, love the blog...

  2. thank you also for sharing your wonderful family stories. :)

  3. Hand waved! I'm one of those friends! I'm one of thise friends!

    We're with ya and ain't goin' no where, Fancy Buns Hair!

    Happy bloggy-versary!

    xo, km

  4. Coming out of lurking mode to tell you I heart you a bushel and a peck. Bob has stolen my heart. I love how this evolved to become a place we can share your memories with you.

    High Five and yes, please keep going.

  5. Happy blogoversary. Mine's coming up too.
    I'm so glad I found you.

  6. I love your blog! I have my own (almost) five year old star-wars obsessed little boy. Bob and George would get along famously. Also, Jeff and I went through school together starting in preschool! Thank you for sharing and keep up the wonderful work!

  7. My boys are grown, and I so wish I'd written a little something every day about them. I love your blog. We all get to read and fall in love with Bob, and you get to have this sweet record of his childhood. Everybody wins. Happy bloggiversary!

  8. I love being here so freaking much, Lisa... and very proud of you. Most of all, proud to be your friend - I'll be over for dinner one of these fine days, my darling. you can count on it.

    Congratulations on being TWO!! Stoked and beaming. xoxoxox

  9. Your blog is two? Already? I can't recall how I found you, but I am glad I did.

    Thank you for telling us about Bob, Lisa. I know from personal experience that there is nothing sweeter than a brown eyed, dark haired little boy. We should so start a club.

  10. Happy Blog Birthday, dear Lisa! You and your blog are two of the very best aspects of the Internet! No exaggeration...




  11. Happy Anniversary!
    If only I had a virtual gluten free cake to post you!


  12. Mazel Tov! Keep it coming. Love you and the entire family Rosenberg.

    Miss Ilene (BTG)

  13. Happy two years, sweet lady! Looking forward to reading many more.

  14. Happy birthday! Yours is one of the blogs that I look forward to seeing pop in my reader every day.

  15. Thank goodness I met you!! What you do here inspires me to be a more present mother with my own boys, and also inspires me with it's simplicity.

    Also, I love your writing.

    Also, I love you.


  16. Delighted to have found your blog! Always cheers me up. Always.

  17. Happy Blog B-day!!! The Blogiverse is a better place because of you. Thank you for all you share and all you have done. xoxo

  18. You are one of the reasons I am so grateful to have entered this online world. You're an amazing writer, woman and friend.

    Here's to many more years of you!

  19. happy blog bday! I love that you do this. You bring a smile to my day, each day.:)

  20. Love it and love you. Happy two years.

  21. you and your blog are so special. hope we can meet someday soon. xoxo.

  22. Love the blog! Happy Anniversary! Here's to another 2(0) years!

  23. Congrats! I relish your blog. The writing is lean and well-done and Bob transcripts are often the highlight of my day.

  24. you are an inspiration to all

  25. Love your Blog!!!! Happy Anniversary!!! I love hearing about Bob's antics and how you deal with them everyday. Having no human children of mine own- only the4 legged kind- I live a little through you or at least the funny parts.


  26. Congratulations!! I know I'm not around often anymore, but I always love stopping in for the latest Bob wisdom and wonderful photos. Keep on going!

  27. Wow, 2 years. Impressive.

    It's a bright spot for a lot of us.

    PS. I too have those gaping holes in memory. And now that you likened it to voids a wagon could pass thru, I'm wondering if it's from playing too much Oregon Trail as a kid.

  28. Thank you, Lisa. I know of your blog through a mutual friend ("Uncle Dave") and I read it whenever I need something to cheer me up. It always does!

  29. We'll always have Dayton, my friend. xo

  30. MMMMMWHAAAA-Smack!

    Is this why you call it Smacksy? You're so darn kissable?

  31. Happy blogoversary!

    i remember finding you one year ago, this past January.

    You and Bob keep me world so sweet and cushioned.

    Thank you.

    I appreciate having you here, sharing the life lite...that counts.

  32. Happy Anniversary. Two years of daily wonderful posts. Two years of Bob, yet not nearly enough. Thank the marvelous you and the magnificent little jedi for all the laughs and tears. (Which rhymes with peers, not pears.) Love you, Bob and smacksy to bits.
