I am in the kitchen doing the dishes. BOB enters.
What are you doing in here, Mama?ME
I’m singing.BOB
What is that song?ME
It’s the theme to The Mary Tyler Moore Show.BOB
It’s a bad song.ME
You’re wrong, my love. It’s a classic.BOB
Classic and not good. What is it from?ME
It’s from a TV show.BOB
What TV show? Yo Gabba Gabba?ME
The Mary Tyler Moore Show.BOB
If they sing it on that show then you should just let the TV do its job.ME
Wow. Thanks.END SCENE
I'm afraid I have to disagree with Bob on this one issue. I love the MTM show and I am now feeling weepy and nostalgic for Mary, Lou, Sue Anne, Murray (before he jumped that heinous loveboat shark) and Ted. And I feel very old.
ReplyDeleteDisagree with Bob as well. Just watching that video, I realize despite all the rumblings in the world, things haven't really changed all that much. I may be old but I do know what Yo Gabba Gabba is thanks to the guys over at DadCentric!
ReplyDeleteI love Yo Gabba Gabba.
ReplyDeleteI also love Mary though, and I'm sure to be humming that song all day long. (Apologies to Bob.)
MTM earworm!
ReplyDeleteBetter than you having to do the TV's job I suppose.
ReplyDeleteIt's only a good song if you spin around at the end and toss your hat up in the air. Did you do that? If you didn't, Bob is totally justified.
ReplyDeleteYou should've asked him to sit and stay for the whole show. Then, he would've appreciated it, complete with dishtowel going up in the air. Ask for a second chance tonight. Tell him you weren't prepared :)
ReplyDeleteGeneration gap.
ReplyDeleteI think if I come over and play the Betty White role and we partake in witty repartee he would totally get it.
ReplyDeleteSo you AREN'T teaching Bob about Husker Du?
ReplyDeleteI think you should break out some "Schlemiel Schlemazel Haussenfeffer Incorporated" and see how that goes over.
ReplyDeleteHarsh. Jonathan won't let me sing at all. Ever. well...if I sing him Transformers it's OK.
ReplyDeleteOh, Bob. I thought you were infallible. Well, I guess you had to be there. Murray was so cool, and I was completely baffled when he devolved into Cap'n Steubing, what with the crazy smile and the knees and the coked up cruise director. Loved me some MTM. I always wanted that bookcase step that ran around the sunken living area, but then, I was 10 and didn't have middle-aged knees. Still, thanks for the memories. And Bob? Mom's right about Yo Gabba Gabba.
ReplyDeleteNo matter the performance, I am happy you were singing that song while doing the dishes.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am so happy we talked, even if I talked too much and too fast. Please call again. I'll talk slower.