Sunday, November 28, 2010

Smacksy Sunday Links

Just in time for your Cyber Monday shopping pleasure, Kristen has a list of great gifts that give back to great causes.

And here
are some beautiful Dutch paintings.

And my new Voices of Mainstreet column is up and it's all about how we decorate for Christmanukah.

And thanks to my friend Ted, here is :25 seconds of a kitten riding a tortoise.

Happy Sunday.


  1. I could watch that kitten all day. I think he rides English. Pretty sure he was posting. He definitely had the appropriate facial expression for riding a turtle.

  2. I stopped over at The Street to read you, and you're awesome! "Black Friday? Meet Super Saturday" should go down in the annals of Great Holiday Writing. And thank you for the cat riding the tortoise. I threw my hands up, and then remembered that college was 13 years ago. (Wah!)

  3. That is so dang cute! King Kitty Cat!

  4. I am in love with that video. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thanks so much for the mention!
