Today I discovered 271 pictures in my iphone photo album. I had taken eight of them. The other 263 had apparently been taken by my son. #255 is a view of Bob's bureau from the vantage point of a small-ish child balancing on his bed pillows.
Have a great Saturday. If you need me, I'll be re-charging my phone.
Maybe we should mount a show. Then I can stop digitally deleting shots of Backyardigans in lines across my desk, Kai Lan on the kitchen table, and the 200 or so of her feet. She thinks blurry shots of her own feet are funny. Should we try to get research funds to find out if other kids also think these Bob and Mooch POVs are universal or specific to them. Hmmm... I think...wait. I surmise (better, right?) that research would show that young children in...oh, to pick a few places out of thin air... Hawaai... Fiji...Zanzibar... Paris would take very different photos, thus showing impact of cultural differences on modalities of perception and emphasis. Should we go for Fullbrights? Would we get research assistance?
ReplyDeleteAnd by research assistants, I hope you know I mean nannies.
ReplyDeletethank you for the comment on my hurt rib post= i don't know how you did it for so long. i'm really scared this is going to continue my whole pregnancy...i'm feeling depressed all the time, low level but noticeable, because it hurts all the time, sometimes worse, sometimes better and because of the financial impact it's had on us already.
ReplyDeletei did see a chiro and that helped.
last time i checked my camera most of the pictures were taken by Lola :))))
We gave our great-nephew (who we raised for 3 years) his own camera. Film processing got really expensive. He mostly shot commercials.
ReplyDeleteThat Bob Rosenberg has a rich and varied life.
ReplyDeleteI love to see the world from Bob's point of view.
ReplyDeleteheh, I handed my four-year-old nephew my iPhone and he very carefully composed and shot almost 200 photos...in 20 minutes. Not one photo was unintentional--except (I hope) the one of me that is about 90% boobs. I think that, in the distant future when I have children of my own, I will give up styling my hair until the kids are tall enough to at least see my head, if not photograph it.