Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Brandon was over for a playdate. The guys were in Bob's room.
"Bob? Remember that picture you said I could have that you don't want anymore?"
"Yeah. Count Dooku? I remember."
"Can I still have it?"
"Can I have it forever?"
"Brandon, you can't live forever."
"Okay but Bob? Can I have it for my whole life?"
Monday, November 29, 2010
A Sweet Sale
Sometime early Saturday morning (2:38 am), my friend Wendy sent me an emergency email. Sometime later Saturday morning (4:14 am), I read it. Wendy was having a yard sale and her two stepsons had just released their Star Wars collection to be included in the sale. This was serious.
Later that morning (9:10 am), I got in the station wagon armed with a travel mug of coffee. I sped across the valley to Wendy and her yard. She informed me that I had just missed a man with one leg who purchased one bedroom slipper. This was a hot sale with an interesting crowd.
Wendy had set aside the box packed with Star Wars goodness just for me. I was thrilled. When Mr. Wendy came out of the house with the box (9:40 am), it was a Hallelujah Chorus moment. Hanukkah for Bob? Hello. Advent for Bob? Yes. Stocking-stuffers for Bob? Done. Under the tree items for Bob? High five.
I left (10:10 am) with a car-load of magic. In exchange, Wendy had $25.00 bucks and more space in the guestroom closet. It was a morning filled with win. And double win for whomever ended up with that last DVD.
If you are a twitter type and you're not already following Wendy you should because she is one of the funniest people ever and also she stays up really late. @WendyLiebman
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Smacksy Sunday Links
Just in time for your Cyber Monday shopping pleasure, Kristen has a list of great gifts that give back to great causes.
And here are some beautiful Dutch paintings.
And my new Voices of Mainstreet column is up and it's all about how we decorate for Christmanukah.
And thanks to my friend Ted, here is :25 seconds of a kitten riding a tortoise.
Happy Sunday.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
So Be Good for Goodness Sake
"...an MTT Armored Assault Tank, an ATT Walker, A Clone Turbo Tank, and a Jedi Interceptor."
"Bob? I think we need to go over this again. Just because something is on the list doesn't mean you're going to get it. Santa has to fit a lot of things in that sleigh."
"Okay but I can still tell Santa everything, right Mom?"
"What do you want, Mom?"
"That's nice of you to ask, Poops."
"You like flowers. Do you want flowers?"
"I do like flowers."
"Okay, Mom. I'll let Santa know. Maybe he can make sleigh room."
happy ho ho
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Holiday Soul
In preparation for Thanksgiving and the lovely crowd we are expecting for the day, we will be bringing one of our outside tables inside. To polish it up, today I did a little touch up painting with a can of black spray paint. After painting, I leaned in to check out my job and hit the side of the table with my face leaving a black paint soul patch on my chin. If fingernail polish doesn't work to remove it, perhaps I'll let it stay. I heard grunge is making a comeback.
The 15 people trusting me with their dinner may want to re-think their options.
Happy Thanksgiving.
High Five
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
"So, Mom? Thanksgiving is the day after this day?"
"It's on Thursday."
"I like feasts, Mom."
"Me too."
"Mom? I like feasts so much maybe even more than you."
"What's your favorite part?"
"I like the pumpkin pie part."
"I like the part where we get to be together with our family and friends."
"Yeah, but also the pumpkin pie part."
"But, Mom? I don't like sparkly liquids."
"Got it."
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Crafty Gratitude
I am not crafty. I do not own a sewing machine. I do not knit, crochet, or scrap book. I have never felted anything. I do own a hot glue gun but I'm not really sure where it is. However, this week Bob and I did a craft project together. It employed my skills with scissors and a pen. Oh, and tape. I'm a whiz with tape.
We made a Thanksgiving banner for our mantel. I know. Soon, I'll be carving a chain from a single block of wood. Or not. I shouldn't get ahead of myself. Anyway, Bob's job was coming up with a list of things that he is grateful for and then I would write his things on tiny triangles. Bob started with "the world." He then pulled it back a little and added "pumpkins." Next came "school, grandparents and vegetables." "Bicycles and food" made the cut.
Bob ended the list with "I am thankful for chairs so we don't have to always sit on the floor if we don't feel like it because sometimes we feel like it but sometimes we don't and maybe we don't want to sit on the grass because it's wet or muddy and we don't want to sit on the bed so that's why you need chairs and chairs are very, extra, good."
I'm totally digging out the hot glue gun.
The Happy
Monday, November 22, 2010
Star Wars Thanksgiving
It's the time of year where we buy our brussel sprouts on stalks...
And those stalks become light sabers.
I love Thanksgiving.
the force
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Smacksy Sunday Links
In case you missed the Mark Twain Prize special on PBS honoring Tina Fey, watch her acceptance speech here. She is a force of smart, comedic nature.
I would like to spend the rest of the weekend in this little deal.
And you guys? This kitten? You're welcome.
Happy Sunday.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Smacksy Saturday Photo: Quiet Time
Every once in awhile there is silence in the house: Either something has gone horribly wrong, someone has escaped, or this is happening. I like this.
saturday photo
Friday, November 19, 2010
Face Plant
Bob was playing with his friends at the park. I watched as he started down the hill, skidded and landed on his head and skidded some more.
"Mom! Mom!" He was crying. I ran to him and picked him up.
"You okay, honey?"
"Put me down!"
"Okay, babe."
"But hug me."
"Sure. Why don't we go sit down?"
"No but I need you to stay with me, Mom!"
"Don't you want to go get some water and settle down?"
"No! I need to stay with my friends!"
"Are you afraid you're going to miss something?"
"I'm afraid I might miss everything!
boys is boys
Thursday, November 18, 2010
He Was Thinking...
"Mom? If I had all of the Star Wars Legos I would be sad."
"Because if I had so many I'd need another, bigger house."
"Good point."
"I like this house."
"Me too."
"I want to hold your hand, Mom."
the force
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Making a List
"So Mom? For Hanukkah I want the Star Wars MTT set. MTT stands for Multi-Troop Transport. It comes with battle droids and a separate troop carrier, two blue pilot droids, two red security droids---"
"Bob? I need to interrupt you for a second. The thing about making a list for Hanukkah or Christmas is that you need to know that the list is just things you like, it's not an order. It doesn't mean you will get everything on the list."
"Okay, Mom."
"And you may get a gift that is not Star Wars related."
"That's okay. I like transformers too."
"Someone might get you something that is neither of those things. It's important to be grateful and appreciative of anything someone is thoughtful enough to pick out for you. We need to understand the importance of giving not just getting."
"Mom? Can we talk about something else now?"
"So, like I said, it comes with two red security droids and it also has a droideka."
"I thought we were talking about something else now."
"No, I just wanted you to."
You guys? I am part of a new weekly column situation over at mainstreet.com. The project is called Voices of Main Street. Every week the folks over there throw out a question to a small group of writers and we each answer it. Check it out and leave a comment over there to let me know what you think.
the force
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Team
"Mom? Mia's on my team."
"Is that right?"
"Yeah and so are all the guys in my class and Ringo and Ava and Tommy and Ivan."
"What team are we talking about, Bob?"
"You know my team. My team for my life."
"That sounds like a winning team."
"It is. For real."
Monday, November 15, 2010
"Mom? Why is daddy staying home from work tomorrow?"
"Daddy and I are going to Great Aunt Edith's memorial."
"Because she died."
"That's right."
"What do you do at a memorial?"
"People will talk about Great Aunt Edith and remember her fondly. Then there will be praying."
"Do you get to hug her?"
"Will you see her?"
"I don't think so, no."
"But I want to give her one last hug, Mom."
"I understand. You'll have to remember the last time we saw her and you gave her a big hug and a kiss."
"That was her last hug from me for her whole life."
"Look at this Lego guy, Mom. He's Clone Captain Argus."
"You doing okay, Babe?"
"Yeah. And I think I need a medium hug."
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Smacksy Sunday Links
Okay, so I'm linking back to one of my own blog posts here. A year ago at this time I posted my favorite stuffing recipe brought to you in a time machine from the glorious 1980's. Just in time for Thanksgiving...
Kissssing is a rather compelling site of post after post of vintage photos of couples. Addicting.
And a video of how to wrap a cat for Christmas.
Happy Sunday.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Smacksy Saturday Photo: Bringing It
Mia was over yesterday for a lunch date. Bob entertained her by balancing a piece of bread on his face. She was understandably impressed. "Oh Bob, you're so funny!"
Folks? Lock up your daughters. Bob's bringing his A game.
saturday photo,
the chicks dig it
Friday, November 12, 2010
In 1996, my friends Loretta and Matt got married. I was honored to be a bridesmaid. Loretta grew up working in her mother’s used clothing store and now owns one herself. She is a connoisseur of all things vintage.
For her wedding, Loretta wore a lovely gown from the 1940’s. She dressed her maid of honor and two bridesmaids in sweet, vintage, pastel, prom dresses. I was the bridesmaid in yellow. We all wore short white gloves, our feet jammed into vintage pumps. My shoes were a size and a half too small but when it comes to vintage shoes, you get what you get.
Hermanita, Loretta’s bridesmaid in violet floral, had flown into town for the wedding. Hermanita was a notorious crier. She cried tears of joy over the phone when Loretta called to tell her that she and Matt were engaged. She cried again when she was asked to be in the wedding party. She cried when she got off the plane and again at the rehearsal dinner. Hermanita was adorable and her happy tears were endearing.
At the ceremony, Hermanita and I stood side-by-side and clutched our tulle wrapped bouquets as we watched Loretta walk down the aisle with her dad. I looked over and noticed that Hermanita was crying again. I squeezed her arm and whispered, “Are you doing okay?” She dabbed at her eyes with her gloved fingers and whispered back.
“I’m fine but these damn shoes are killing me.”
Today in honor of our friend Becky the Bride (aka Princess Mikkimoto) and her imminent vows, some of her bloggy girlfriends have gotten together across the internet to share our good wishes and bridesmaid memories. We are Becky's Bloggy Bridesmaids and we are delighted to be phoning in our bridesmaidly duties. Read more bridesmaid goodness from:
Ann at AnnsRants
Suzy at Hot Comes to Die
Jessica at BernThis
Ellie at One Crafty Mother
Amy at I Have More Rocks
and Wendi, Kelcey, Marinka & Heather at The Mouthy Housewives
I Do
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Don't Call It A Playdate
It's a "journey to the dark side of the force."
Apparently the dark side of the force is just to
the left of the barbecue.
Apparently the dark side of the force is just to
the left of the barbecue.
the force
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Roger That
"Would you like blueberries or bananas in your cereal?"
"Roger, Roger that."
"So... bananas then?"
"Apple juice?"
"Roger. Roger. Roger."
"I'm guessing 'roger' is the word of the day?"
"Roger that. Mom?"
"I just got you with a thermal detonator."
the force
Monday, November 8, 2010
Even Jedi Knights Get Sick
Bob seemed like he was getting a little cough, so I kept him home from school to see if some rest would help. Around midnight I found out that it did not.
He woke up with that tell-tale croup seal bark. The wheezing in-between the barking was extraordinary and much worse than the other time Bob had crouped it up a year ago. He was having a hard time getting his breath and no amount of vaporized air, steamy bathroom or standing in front of the open freezer was helping. We packed it up and headed to the Emergency Room.
When we got to the ER, the cold night air had slowed down Bob's barking but his wheezing continued. Bob slept on my lap as Jeff and I sat on the hard plastic chairs in the waiting room. There was a John Cusack/Oliver Platt movie playing on the TV overhead. Jeff filled out forms while I kissed Bob's damp forehead.
We were ushered in to one room for a chest x-ray for Bob and another to wait to meet a doctor. The doctor was gentle and kind to the sleepy patient and his patient's worried parents. Bob was very subdued but answered the doctors questions and informed him that he was feeling, "very not so better."
The doctor confirmed that indeed, Bob did have croup and in addition he also had an upper respiratory infection. As we waited for the nurse to come with a prescription, Bob rested his head in my lap.
"You've done a great job Bob. You've been very brave."
"You must be really tired, buddy, said Jeff.
"I am tired. Mom? What time is it?"
"It's 2:40 in the morning."
Bob shot up, his eyes huge. "Wow! Really? Wow! That's late! I am up so late! Have I ever been up this late? It is really late outside! Wow!" He was impressed.
I can only hope the co-pay is less impressive.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Smacksy Sunday Links
This is one of my favorite things I've read this week and it's written by one of my favorite writers. (Thanks to Heather for letting me in on it.)
The site downtownfrombehind is just cool.
Perhaps because Jeff and I were the only guests at our Vegas wedding, I have a soft spot for couples who choose to elope. I saw this sweet elopement video on Design Sponge and even though I don't know this couple, it makes me a little teary.
Happy Sunday.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
One of the Guys
Bob and Jake and Will ran through the park chasing two small girls. The boys were yelling, the girls were screaming. The boys were fighting a monster war. Apparently the girls were the unwitting monsters. When the girls made it to their nannies, there were tears.
"Will? We made those girls cry," said Bob. I interrupted Bob and took him aside.
"That wasn't good. Bob, what can you do to make the girls feel better now?"
"I can finish the war and get the other two monsters?"
"Try again."
"I can say I'm sorry."
"And...?" I could see Will and Jake already lined up to make their apologies to the girls.
"And not do it again. And then go get the different monsters?"
"Sounds good."
"Mom? It sounds... okay, not good."
boys is boys
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Sleeping Arrangements
"Mom, when I am a grown up, I can still get in your bed, right?"
"You might have other plans when you are a grown up."
"No I won't. I'll sleep in a grown up bed and then I'll zoom like a rocket to yours."
"You, Sir, are a baby-squish-face."
"Mom, just call me Bob."
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
He's Honest
"I've got a blaster and I will destroy you! Did you see my ship? It's going so super fast! Vrrroar!"
"Bob? You've been using a loud voice all day. I really need you to use a quiet voice now."
"Why, Mama?"
"The loudness is making me tired."
"Thanks, Baby. So you think you can do that?"
"No. Not really."
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Bob came home from pre-school with an assignment. He was to fill out a poster with his answers to a number of questions:
All About... Bob! No, Luke Skywalker! No, Bob Rosenberg Jedi Knight!
I am... Four! Four years old! Four hundred years old!
My favorite animal is... Daisy! All dogs! Daisy the dog!
My favorite color is... Blue! Like Luke Skywalker's first light saber that Ben Kenobi gave him that was his dad's in episode one before it broke and he got a new one that was green in "Empire Strikes Back." Green!
My favorite food is... A plain cheeseburger - just bun meat and cheese cut in half, an order of fries and a milk with a straw! It's protein! Cows are nice to give us milk so we can live!
My favorite place is... Brandon's house! And J.P.'s house! And New York!
When I grow up I want to be... A Jedi Knight, like I already am!
My favorite thing to do is... Play "Star Wars" with Brandon and J.P. and Ringo and all my friends!
If I had one wish, I would wish for... Being Luke Skywalker the Jedi Knight, like I already am!
All About... Bob! No, Luke Skywalker! No, Bob Rosenberg Jedi Knight!
I am... Four! Four years old! Four hundred years old!
My favorite animal is... Daisy! All dogs! Daisy the dog!
My favorite color is... Blue! Like Luke Skywalker's first light saber that Ben Kenobi gave him that was his dad's in episode one before it broke and he got a new one that was green in "Empire Strikes Back." Green!
My favorite food is... A plain cheeseburger - just bun meat and cheese cut in half, an order of fries and a milk with a straw! It's protein! Cows are nice to give us milk so we can live!
My favorite place is... Brandon's house! And J.P.'s house! And New York!
When I grow up I want to be... A Jedi Knight, like I already am!
My favorite thing to do is... Play "Star Wars" with Brandon and J.P. and Ringo and all my friends!
If I had one wish, I would wish for... Being Luke Skywalker the Jedi Knight, like I already am!
the force
Monday, November 1, 2010
After we returned from trick or treating, Bob dumped his Halloween bag out on the table.
"Is this a chocolate one, Mom?"
"Yep. It's a Kit Kat."
"What flavor is this lollipop?"
"What are these?"
"Those are called Dots. They're really chewy."
"You can have those Dots, Mom." Bob then picked up the bottled water he had received as a treat from the house around the corner. "I know what this one is - it's called healthy. You can have that one too."
ask the expert
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