Tuesday, August 30, 2011

All right, already

"Mom? Did they have Legos when you were around?"

"I am around."

"I mean when you were around and young."


  1. Doesn't he realize that you're the one with direct access to the macaroni and cheese?

    Hopefully when school starts up again they'll kick off the year with a schmoozing unit.

    ;-) A.

  2. This got me to thinking about how when I was young and around, no there were no legos. But how much pleasure and hours and hours of joy my brother and I got from a laundry-basket full of wooden blocks of various sizes and shapes that my grandfather made for us so lovingly.
    I still have some of those around and my grandson plays with them.

  3. I don't remember Legos. But there was a lot of Easy Bake Oven action......when was around and young.


  4. oh snap. My kids like to say cute things like "Did they still drive horses and carriages when you were a kid?" and then high five each other. I tell them that their kids with the cellphone implants will some day make fun of them too.

  5. My kids asked me the other day if I watched Spongebob when I was a kid. I told them there was NO Spongebob when I was a kid. They looked at me in abject horror. Such a world is inconceivable. Their grandmother's stories rock them to the core of their souls.

  6. I still think about my mom in that way sometimes. You were alive when that happened??!!

  7. Have you explained to Bob that you INVENTED Legos?

  8. "I am around." This time you had the best line, which is saying a lot in the land of Bob Rosenberg. Then again, there's the apple/tree thing.

  9. Bob is WICKEDLY funny.

  10. You make him laugh, don't you?

    such a good mama.
