Friday, August 5, 2011

Sorting: Day 5

Note: Sometimes after five days of sorting Legos by shape and type, your son may decide that it's better to dump all of the Legos back into one big bin.


  1. Say it ain't SO!!! And the pile was getting so much smaller-ish. . . .

  2. Oh, dear. It's not that I wasn't hoping for the best, but...

    Sometimes recognizing when you're beat is the real lesson.

  3. I take your blog very seriously... just in case I ever have boys.

  4. OMG. My brain just exploded for you. WOW. Is Bob's Dad crying right now?

  5. ive done that before- but not with legos

  6. never laughed so hard, my now 25 year old so, did the exact same thing with his lego's! He spent a few days sorting and decided it was taking too long and just not worth it.

  7. The comment it has taken me five days to make (just problems with settings and I still don't get it)--if he only had girl cousins a little older those legos would have been sorted by lunch time. I have a grandson who is master of the technique.
