Monday, September 5, 2011

What happens when I leave the room?

This. This happens.

Happy Labor Day.


  1. Oh my gosh, that happens in my living room too! The ever dreaded question of, "Can I dump the bin?" Eek!

  2. They are much easier to sort through that way!!! :D

  3. I'm just curious to know how long you were gone.

  4. That photo actually made me gasp.

    It made Baby E laugh out loud.

  5. Isn't in interesting that when it comes to Legos, that some kids like all the sets to be kept together just as they were in their box when bought and then some kids like them in one big pile.

  6. After the two or three days of sorting he went through with his dad..... oh my.

    I'd say it's time just to give in and let him keep them all mixed up in the huge bin. Or maybe have him sort out the really tiny pieces into a smaller bin and let the rest stay mixed.

    Either that or it's time for a bulldozer.

  7. when I was a kid, we didn't have Lego's, we had sticks with slots in the ends and round wooden wheels with multiple holes in which to put the sticks. And little plastic fin thingys to put in the slots. AND WE LIKED IT!

  8. Are those the same Legos that were painstakingly separated over the course of a few DAYZZZZZ? Ya' can't turn yur back for a minute, can ya'?! Oh well, perhaps more quality time sorting Legos with dad is on the agenda.

  9. Oh Lord Jesus. (And you know I don't use that name in vain too often.) This made my stomach turn.
