April 15, 1944
Hello Puss,
You won't hear Sweet Slumber over the radio I don't think for it is not too popular - I just heard it over the PA system on the boat coming over here. They might have a record of it at the music store.
Had some British candy a few days ago and saved the wrapper to send along with a farthing. The farthing is somewhat rare, at least it is rarely used. Worth about half of a cent and make excellent poker chips. Plan to do a bit of going in the country today for it is such a nice day. In the spring, in Oklahoma, I used to go out on Saturday early in the morning and soak up the sun for about three hours. This is one of those kinds of days.
Tell mother and dad hello for me and give Sandra a hug. And Puss, to you all my love with kisses and a bear hug.
I love these letters so much!