Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Soccer Camp: Tuesday

“Mama? I think I have a cold.”

I felt Bob's forehead. “You do? How are you feeling? What are your symptoms?”

“My main symptom is that I don’t want to go to Soccer Camp today.”

“I see.”

“Today I need to be at all the places that aren’t Soccer Camp and do a lot of not Soccer Camp things to make it better.”

So we took a day off from Soccer Camp.

Instead of Soccer Camp, we had a long discussion about the dream Bob had last night about "protocol droids, companion droids and lots of balloons."

Instead of Soccer Camp, Bob created five new robots out of robot magnets.

Instead of Soccer Camp, Bob had a play date with Mia and told her the story of Elemenopeo, the kitty who dreamed he could fly.

Instead of Soccer Camp, we had a medium-ish long discussion about why a super market is called a “super” market and if Super Man shops there. (Probably.) There was a related tangent regarding the existence of a Super Trader Joe’s. (There is not one that I know of, although it is an excellent idea.)

Instead of Soccer Camp, Bob went to J.P.’s house to see his new swing set and eat three pieces of watermelon.

Instead of Soccer Camp, Bob sang A Bushel and a Peck to Violet.

Instead of Soccer Camp, we had a Tuesday.


  1. Funny, my daughter is at camp signing a bushel and a peck. No getting around the standards.

  2. My mama used to sing that song to me and I've sung it to all my babies. Glad it's not being forgotten.
    I just adore Bob.

  3. Sometimes I wonder if life with The Bob is a strange mix of a Broadway musical and Star Wars.

    I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief that he was singing this song to Gracie ~ not your future daughter-in-law.

  4. Fynn was signed up for a sports class once, and he really didn't like it. The music was loud, they used the word "sports" loosly, and it just wasn't his cup of tea.
    So one day we forgot to go. And it was one of our most fun days together :)
    Glad you had that day.

  5. Three is sick today. I bet it was soccer.

  6. Hopefully, all of this activity diverted him from the prior day's ch noise which, if allowed to continue unabated, would have driven you completely bonkers by now.

  7. I love that song. I love him. I love you. Wow, that's a lot of love for a random Tuesday... nice to have a day off, no?
