Friday, January 8, 2010

Christmas Dinner 1955

I want to go back in time to December 25 1955, dinner at Sophie's Cafe in Borger Texas. This was my paternal grandmother's restaurant. The family had made the move to Texas from New Mexico less than 10 years prior to this. My grandma cooked magnificent Mexican food, the best ever.

I'll have the green chili with sopapillas please, and a sweet tea.

Sitting at the table, my young grandparents, my Aunt Dolores, her baby daughter, and adorable 15 year-old Eddie, the boy who would grow up to be my dad. Perhaps the 11 year-old girl who would become my mother, stops in with her folks to say hello. I could table hop.

I want to to hear what they're saying, eat what they're eating. And take pictures of the whole thing.

This is the answer to question #6 of Dera's meme at Casablanca.
More good trips in the time machine over at Christopher and Tia's Flashback Friday.


  1. it's so cool to see the styles of clothes and furniture, etc from back then!! look at the hair and glasses! what fun!!

  2. I see they left a seat near the cute guy for me!

  3. What a great flashback!!! ...and OMG! I have those same chairs at my kitchen table, the table is a little different though... :)

  4. I adore old B&W photos. Everyone looks so...crisp and neat. I look back at pics of my Grammy and her sisters and I swear they look like old movie stars.

  5. Great photo. Let me iron my twinset & I will meet you there.

  6. I always think people looked so stylish in picture from that era, without even trying! Lovely picture.

  7. I love the old photos! I have a huge stash of my family, and its so fun to go through!

  8. take me with you! (isn't it odd that both our grandmother's were business owners in the 50's? wasn't that uncommon then?)

  9. I love the way they are all looking at the baby like he's wonderful. I'm sure he was a wonderful baby (all babies are) and a wonderful dad (he raised lovely Lisa).
