Saturday, January 30, 2010

Smacksy Sunday Link: My First Fail

This is not my child. Yet. Thank you, Jesus.

Thank you to my friend Wendy for alerting me to the delight that is the photo blog My First Fail. I can not get enough of photos of small children doing weird and/or ill-advised things so that I can feel better about my own parenting skills.


  1. I want to know what mother, upon seeing her child stamp his eyes with a bingo marker thinks - picture first - flush with water later.

  2. are you sure that's not your child? Because I love that picture!

  3. Hilarious! Glad I don't have to clean up that mess!

  4. DG's got that one right. But if the kid survives into adulthood, at least the mom will have a lot of funny memories captured for the grandkids to laugh at.
